Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I'm still learning my way with this blogging, but I want to give it a good try.

So many people have told me that they like the book. The most frequent comment I get is "I learned so much." What strikes me about that is that everything I read or study about writing modern commercial fiction says not to try to preach or teach a lesson. Conventional wisdom would say that people just want to escape, not be challenged in their thinking.

Perhaps that is true for a number of people, but I'm convinced that many people are looking for more in their reading. I've admired the way C.S. Lewis was able to write compelling stories which were full of lessons, profound ideas that stayed with me long after the story became vague. Who could miss the lesson about the importance of memorizing and meditating on scripture in The Silver Chair or of following God whether anyone else does or not in Prince Caspian?

I'm not insinuating that The Cord is in the same league with any of Lewis's books, but I do think that books which teach truth will be read and appreciated.

Let me know what you think. If you are one of those who thinks The Cord taught you something, share what that was.

1 comment:

  1. The premise sound very intriguing!
